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The Cost of Design. Is it Worth it?

Cost of Design - by Sensoreal Experiences: A Premium Experiential Design and Marketing Partner

Have you ever wondered why some products or services leave an unforgettable mark on your memory, while others simply fade away? Well, it all boils down to one word, Design. In the world of business, design isn't just about aesthetics. It's about functionality, user experience, and, most importantly, the cost implications. There is a famous saying by Dr. Ralph Speth, CEO of Jaguar, “If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design." Let's unravel this truth and explore how design impacts the bottom line of your business.

The High Stakes of Bad Design

Imagine you've launched a revolutionary product, invested a small fortune in marketing, and eagerly awaited the flood of customers. However, the product's user interface is confusing, the packaging is unappealing, and the overall experience leaves a lot to be desired. What happens next? Your potential customers click away, unsatisfied, never to return.

Consider the cautionary tale of the Snapchat redesign in 2018. The app's drastic interface overhaul led to a widespread backlash from users who found it confusing and counterintuitive. Snapchat lost millions of users, and its stock price plummeted, showcasing the tangible costs of a design misstep in a fiercely competitive tech landscape.

The Domino Effect

Bad design isn't a one-time expense or setback, it's an ongoing liability. Consider a poorly designed website. Users frustrated by slow loading times, confusing navigation, or an outdated appearance are likely to bounce off to the competitors. The domino effect kicks in. Lost sales, negative reviews, and diminished brand trust.

Let's talk about the power of first impressions. A study by Google found that users form an opinion about a website within 50 milliseconds! Yes, milliseconds. That's the blink of an eye. If your design doesn't capture attention and convey professionalism, potential customers will swiftly move on to a competitor with a more appealing digital storefront.

The Hidden Costs

Now, let's touch on the often-overlooked costs of bad design. Customer support teams may find themselves overwhelmed with inquiries and complaints stemming from confusing product interfaces or unclear instructions. Imagine the time and resources spent addressing issues that could have been mitigated with thoughtful design from the outset.

In contrast, good design can streamline processes, enhance user satisfaction, and reduce the burden on customer support teams. The initial investment in a well-designed product or service can pay dividends by fostering customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

As we navigate the competitive business landscape, it’s crucial to recognize that design is not a luxury but a strategic investment. The cost of bad design extends far beyond the initial expense, affecting brand reputation, customer trust, and overall business success.

So, the next time someone questions the budget allocated to design, remind them of the countless businesses that learned this lesson the hard way. Investing in good design isn't just about making things look pretty. It's about ensuring your business not only survives but thrives in a crowded marketplace.

In the words of Steve Jobs, "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." Choose wisely, invest thoughtfully, and watch your business thrive in the competitive landscape.

- Durga Kulkarni Founder, Sensoreal Experiences

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